Internal quality assurance cell was formulated in 2016 by following the NAAC guidelines. The cell consists of representation of the stakeholders Principal, teachers, non teaching staff representatives, advisor and student alumini.
It's main function is to facilate the college functioning by monitoring and maintenance of records by administrative officers, academic department and various office records for smooth running of college.
The IQAC has to insure that what ever is done in the Institution for education should be done efficiently and effectively with high standard.
The IQAC meet once in a quarter probably in the 2nd week of the month as in the academic calendar.
Main function of IQAC
- Development and application of quality benchmarks for the various academic and administrative activities of the colleges.
- Facilitating the creation of a learner- centric environment conducting for quality educators.
- Feedback responses from students and other stake holders on quality related institutional processes.
- Organisation of inter and intra institutional workshops seminar on quality related themes.
- Establishment of different cell , Academic committee, women cell , student welfare committee,Grievance & Redressal cell ,and other..